from the stonewflow3d website:
CLAY EXTRUDER Prototype V 1.0
a metal DIY clay extruder from Stoneflower3D
There is a high interest of 3D printing and DIY community in experimenting with new materials and technologies. To contribute and promote this activity we developed a simple, robust and affordable full-metal clay extruder for 3D printing. It is designed from standard components to be easily build with minimal set of tools and should be compatible with most of desktop 3D printers. Cannot wait to build one? Feel free to download list of materials and schematics below.
Commercial version of the StoneFlower Extruder willl be available from our website in the beginning of 2018. In that version we implemented number of engineering improvements to make 3D printing with clay more simple, robust and convenient.
download the DIY manual from Stoneflower3d website