This week was announced that 3dhubs launched theirfirst book: The 3D Printing Handbook.
We at received the book today. And it was an interesting read.
Unfortunately there is No reference to the use and application of 3d clay printing. (other than a single line in chapter ‘1.2.3 Other’ and even that single line was bracketed away with the words: ‘ typically a polymer filled with ceramic powder’ )
With over 300 pages of actionable design advice and decision making tools, it is designed to read unlike any other engineering book, full of easy-to-understand diagrams and inspiring visuals.
Together with contributions from Volkswagen, Boeing, Autodesk, Ultimaker, Stratasys, HP and many others we aimed to make this the most comprehensive book on 3D printing currently available.
If you’re looking to master the key aspects of general 3D printing, this is it.