Introduction and advanced Workshops in 3Dclayprinting.
We offer the following Workshops at our studio or on site. When you like us to present a lecture or talk about 3dClayprinting please contact us for details.
All prices are excluding VAT.
To follow the training you need to download and install design and slicing software. You can find more information about his in the software section* in the support and answers pages *(if you get a security warning, please ignore.)

Single workshop
From €760 We bring a demo printer, set it up and show you how to run and finetune the printer for different shapes. If necessary we also give a short introduction on how to design and prepare your printfile. When the location of choice is further away from Afferden than a 100 km. we may still be able to come but have to add costs.

From €550 At our Studio in Afferden we show you how to prepare, run and finetune the printer for different shapes. If necessary we also give a short introduction on how to design and prepare your printfile. A second day at our Studio you will be able to work more independant on a personal print. We give a discount for all subsequent days.

From €550 In case we have agreed to personally deliver your purchase we can combine the installation of your LUTUM printer with a workshop. After assembling and calibrating the printer, we will show you how to prepare, run and finetune the printer for different shapes . If necessary we also give a short introduction on how to design and prepare your printfile.
For personal preferencesAsk us for details